2024-01-22 18:52

How should a CV look?

In a time where every click, every second, and every line on the screen counts, what does the CV look like that makes recruiters take notice? In a world where technology is constantly reshaping the job market, your CV becomes more than just a paper or a file – it becomes a dynamic narrative of your professional journey. With increasing competition for each position, how do you ensure that your story is the one that gets heard? Let's dive into the art of creating a CV that not only tells but also engages and convinces.

Structure and layout

Start with the essentials. A clear font and logical structure are the foundation. In a digital era, it’s important that your CV is easy to read both on screen and when printed. But it’s not just about aesthetics; a well-organized layout can help recruiters quickly find the information they are looking for.


Sofia, a recent marketing graduate, created a CV with clear headings, a clean layout, and used bold text to highlight keywords. This made it easy for recruiters to quickly identify her qualifications, resulting in more interviews.

Personal touch

Everyone has a unique story. By including this in your CV, you give a deeper insight into who you are. It’s not just about listing your achievements, but also about showing your passion, motivations, and what makes you unique.


Jacob included a brief description of how a summer internship in Spain inspired him to pursue a career in international business development. This personal touch gave his CV a human dimension that employers appreciated.

Customize for each job

It’s important to tailor your CV for each specific position. Employers can often identify a generic CV, and it may give the impression that you are not particularly interested in that position.


When Emma applied for jobs in both graphic design and web design, she created two versions of her CV. Each version emphasized the skills and experiences most relevant to the specific role, showing employers that she had put time and thought into her application.

Leverage technology

Technology opens doors to new ways of presenting ourselves and job searching. AI is not just the technology of the future, it’s already here and changing how we think about job hunting. To explore how you can take advantage of these innovations, dive into our article:


Common mistakes

  • Too long CV: Keep your CV short and concise, ideally two pages maximum.
  • Irrelevant information: Only include experiences and skills relevant to the job you are
    applying for.
  • Spelling and grammar errors: A CV with errors can give the impression of
    carelessness. Use spell check and have someone else review your CV.


Creating the perfect CV can be a challenge, but with the right tools and expertise, you can create a document that truly represents you.

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